Mr. Eugene T. Dunn was born and raised in Raleigh, North Carolina. He has been a member of First Baptist Church since his childhood. He attended Crosgy-Garfield Elementary and Washington High Schools. At the age of nine, Mr. Dunn had his first job working with his father and brother selling wood (one cent a stick) and coal (twenty-five cents a bucket) using for transportation a horse and wagon. At the age of thirteen he began selling ice, driving a horse drawn wagon. After leaving high school he ran and operated the Cotton Club which was on Hew Bern Avenue. He later ran the Tip Toe Inn located on East Davie Street.
Mr. Dunn served his country in the U.S. Army air Corp for over three years. While in the army he was stationed in China, Burma and India. During this tenure he was a part of the air corp which built air bases for US Army airplanes. After his duty in the army, Mr. Dunn received as his veterans fee $20.00 per week for 52 weeks. (He and his buddies called this the 52 club.)
At this time he bought a convenience store called the Lincoln Sweet Shop. One day as he was working in the store, a pretty young girl came in, it was love at first sight. This pretty girl is now his
lovely wife, Annie Bell.
Mr. Dunn began working at Dillard Supply Company in the shipping department in July 1948. He stayed there until the last day of December 1948. This date is significant becaukse it is the day he bought the
ESSO Service Station
on Bloodworth Street from
C.A. "Doll" Haywood, Sr.
Mr. Dunn owned and operated the service station which is now EXXON for over thirty years. Aftrer his retirement his son took over the business.
Mr. Dunn and his wife Annie Bell are the very proud parents of five children, Millie, Louise, Eugene,Jr., Timothy and Denise.
Mr. Dunn has always been an active and devoted member of First Baptist Church. He serves on the Trustee Board where he has held chairmanships of the Transportation, Building and Use, Maintenance and Grounds Committees. He is a member of the Laymen's League, Male Chorus and Coleman Bible Class and serves as secretary of the class
Mr. Dunn is an avid sports fan. During the days of the Washington High School "Little Blues" football team, he traveled with them all over the state as one of its staunce supporters.
salutes Mr. Eugene T. Dunn for the many services he has given to our church.
He has never tried to be in the lime light at our church. I invite your attention to the following (HIS PRIDE AND JOY-HIS BABY-DENISE .......Ellis): CLICK ON THE LINE BELOW:
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